Saturday, January 15, 2011

My name

So I realized I never addressed the most basic aspect of my blog! The name. I chose "My Pretty Little Life" as the name, basing it off of one of my favorite TV and book series, Pretty Little Liars. I have to admit, this series is my guilty pleasure. I have read all of the books, which were ah-mazing by the way. If you haven't read them, go out and get the first one, because they are spectacular and 4759473 times better than the TV series. It is based off of the lives of high school girls, who from looking from the outside, look like they have the perfect lives. But, when you really learn more about them, you find out the scandals and issues in their life.

I suppose my life is a little like this, although my issues are not nearly as severe. I live in a beautiful town, with annoyingly beautiful people, where people walk around as if they have the perfect lives. We all know that nobody has the perfect life. But someone could look at my life and assume I don't have any sort of issues, and I can easily breeze through my days without any obstacles. This is not true, and though I don't have extremely severe issues, I have had my fair share of hardships. This is a place where I can talk about shallow things such as makeup and clothes, but I also can post about issues and problems that are going on in my life. I'm not saying my life is horrible or that I'm being stalked by my best friend's killer, but I have had more going on than most people would expect. My head is a busy place, always spinning and stressing about something new. So, here, you can get the inside scoop, and not just what you would assume.

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