Sunday, January 16, 2011

My late Resolutions

I am a procrastinator. So of course, I even procrastinated my New Year Resolutions, one of which is to not procrastinate. Good work Me!! So, even though it's already January 16th, here are my New Year Resolutions!
 Isn't this picture beautiful?

~Save money... put half of my earnings in the bank (for Spain and a car)
~Take more "me" time to relax and do facials
~Try not to stress too much (this is going to be really hard, but necessary)
~ STOP procrastinating!
~Do my weekly chores
~Do my math homework every day
~Study well for each of my bio quizzes
~Here's a big one..... earn As in all of my classes, and a b in bio
~Don't talk bad about people... keep the gossip nice ;)
~Take my vitamins
~Take off my makeup and wash my face every night
~Listen to music constantly (I think it is healthy because it relaxes me and puts me in a good mood)
~Read more & more challenging books.
~Fight with my brother and parents less
~Appreciate what I have
~Live in the moment
~Be happy (this one has been a little of a challenge lately.. just a lot going on!)
~Try to put a smile on someone's face when I talk to them
~Make people's days better (don't you just love the people who do this?!)
~Spend more time with my family
~Eat healthy and exercise more (hello grueling swim practices)
~Give more complements
~Don't judge people

We'll see how these go, I am determined to make them all happen :)
Here's to 2011!

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