Monday, February 21, 2011

Decisions Decisions..

So, as you all know, I love YouTube beauty gurus. They are very entertaining, and I also learn a lot about makeup and beauty as well. It has always been a little fantasy of mine to start my own makeup channel... this morning, I was talking to a friend of mine and we were talking about my love of makeup, and she told me I should make YouTube videos. It got me thinking, should I actually do it? I know I have enough nail polish, and I will continue to expand my makeup collection. I think I'm pretty personable, and wouldn't be too boring to watch. I also have a lot of knowledge and little tricks due to the many years of watching my favorite gurus. Now, there is also the finacial aspect of YouTube. Once I would hit a certain amount of subscribers and become more well known, I would apply for YouTube partner, eventually getting paid to make videos. Lately, I have been considering careers in the makeup industry. Possibly designing my own makeup brand in the years to come? Who knows. But what I do know is that if I did become a YouTube beauty guru, it would certainly help me in a career in that field.

There are a couple of things that hold me back. First of all, it takes time. I'll have to put a lot of time aside to make and edit the videos, though I can find the time to prerecord on the weekends. Second, I don't want people to assume that I am shallow just because I like makeup. Third and the biggest reason that has held me back from making videos for so long is people at my school finding out and making fun of me. I feel like I am a person who takes criticism quite well, my group of guy friends can be awful. They have said horrible things about me, even in front of me. I have pretty tough skin, so I am able to brush their comments off. If my channel were to get popular, the whole school would find out eventually, and I'm afraid people would make fun of me.

But, if I am doing something I love, making money, and possibly enabling further career options, I think it may be worth it. So, should I follow what everybody says but nobody does, and "be different" "live your dreams" "Don't let others hold you back"? I also feel like I really don't have that much to lose. I have my two best friends at my school, and other than that, I'm not too worried about what other girls think of me, because my school is very cliquey. It's also not like I have boys just falling all over me, so I feel like wether boys think its cool or weird wouldn't make too much of a difference.Please think about this for me, and be honest, should I do it? Do you think the criticism from people at my school would really be that bad? Oh, the decisions.

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